Orekit orbit determination algorithms have to be fed with observations. These measurements are
to be provided in files formated according to the following CCSDS standards:
OEM file format
- Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) is a CCSDS standard for
transferring spacecraft orbit information. An OEM specifies the position and velocity of an object
within a specified time range. Its structure and content are specified
- Measurements are part of ORaaS orbit determination feature input.
Position/velocity measurements have to be upload in files respecting the OEM format.
- ORaaS provides a set of OEM files examples for its Demo. They can be uploaded from
our OD demo presentation page.
TDM file format
- Tracking Data Message (TDM) is a CCSDS recommended standard
for exchanging spacecraft tracking data. The detailed specifications can be found
- Measurements are part of ORaaS orbit determination feature input.
Currently, range, range rate and azimuth/elevation measurements have to be uploaded in files respecting the TDM format.
- A subset of the CCSDS Standard is accepted by the ORaaS TDM parser:
- Extra information is required for a station: location, bias for each type of measurement... It is provided
in a json object, its schema can be found in our
API documentation.
- ORaaS provides a set of TDM files examples for its Demo. They can be uploaded
our OD demo presentation page.